Jacobs Ladder Africa

Kenya Youth survey findings

In July 2022, the Africa Climate Action Advocacy Initiative (ACAAI), a partner-led consortium consisting of Jacob’s Ladder Africa, Climate Action Platform-Africa and The Africa Centre, held grassroot discussions and undertook baseline surveys under the theme: Shifting the African Climate Action Narrative from Victimhood to Vanguard.

The consortium conducted baseline surveys to understand the attitudes and perceptions of African youth towards climate action. The findings of the surveys form part of our data-driven workforce preparation strategy. We have so far conducted baseline surveys in Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt and amongst the Tutu Fellows.

The Kenyan survey was administered in June 2022 over the phone with two different groups:

  • 1,000 Kenyan youth across the country between the ages of 18 and 35
  • 77 participants of the Kenyan grassroots conversations


Updates on the release of the Kenya survey report will be provided.