Jacobs Ladder Africa

Launch of the Africa Climate Ambassadors Programme 2023 cohort

The Africa Climate Ambassadors Programme provides an opportunity to galvanize Africa’s Climate Ambassadors to take action on climate change. It offers an opportunity to continental expert leaders, from a wide range of sectors to integrate insights on climate action opportunity discourse to their respective professions- e.g city planning, journalism, education, energy access etc and includes supporting a range of African voices to reshape the narrative on climate action through a Climate Ambassadors Program.

  • What does climate change have to do with the future of architecture, Africa’s economic growth or unemployment on the continent?
  • What opportunities do some of the young African leaders from across the continent see in the green economy?
  • What does the energy transition mean for manufacturing on the continent?


The Ambassadors share their views on this and more, across a wide range of issues.

The program, initiated in December has so far attracted 16 climate ambassadors with diverse geographic and sectoral focus. All ambassadors, 56% of whom are female are accomplished careerists recognized as Tutu fellows. They work in a wide range of sectors including climate, agriculture, architecture, non-profit, finance, real-estate, journalism, civil society etc., and represent all parts of Africa based on their countries of origin/work.

  • West Africa: Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cape Verde, Mali
  • Central Africa: Angola, Guinea
  • East Africa: Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda
  • Southern Africa: South Africa, Zimbabwe


To keep up with all the conversations; find the Africa Climate Ambassadors Programme on Social media.

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You may also find their videos on YouTube

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